17 Cats With The Longest Lifespans (With Pictures)

Ever wondered which cat breeds boast the longest lifespans? Well, today we’re spotlighting some of the kitties that live the longest among cat breeds.

Cats are known for their relatively long lifespans, especially compared to some other pets. On average, cats can live anywhere from 12 to 15 years, but with optimal care, regular veterinary check-ups, and a bit of luck, some cats can surpass this average, living well into their twenties.

The key factors influencing a cat’s lifespan include genetics, diet, environment, and healthcare. Cats that are kept indoors typically live longer due to reduced exposure to external dangers such as traffic and disease.

Proper nutrition tailored to each phase of a cat’s life, preventive healthcare, and a safe, stimulating environment can all contribute to not only a longer life but also a better quality of life.

While certain breeds are noted for their longevity, mixed breed cats often inherit a robust genetic makeup that can sometimes give them an edge in the health department.

Below are our top 17 longest living cat breeds you can own as pet.

17. Sphynx: 9 – 15 years

Sphynx Breed Sitting Looking At Camera

The Sphynx is an unmistakable breed, thanks to its hairless appearance and oversized ears. While their lack of fur might make them seem delicate, Sphynx have an average lifespan ranging from 9 to 15 years.

Their longevity can be attributed to a robust genetic pool and an active lifestyle that keeps them healthy. Keep in mind, that the Sphynx requires regular bathing to remove oils that would normally be absorbed by fur, contributing to their overall well-being.

These expressive cats bond deeply with their owners and are known for their playful and affectionate nature.

To maximize your Sphynx’s lifespan, pay careful attention to their skincare and ensure they have a warm environment, as they can be sensitive to cold due to their lack of fur.

Regular veterinary check-ups and a balanced diet are also crucial to keeping them thriving for many years.

16. Egyptian Mau: 10 – 15 years

Egyptian Mau bred with beautiful green eyes sitting on sofa

The striking Egyptian Mau is heralded not just for its dazzling spotted coat but also for its robust lifespan of 10 to 15 years. They are an ancient breed, often celebrated for their speed and agility.

Egyptian Maus are a healthy breed overall, but like all cats, they benefit from preventive health measures such as vaccinations, routine check-ups, and a diet that meets their unique nutritional needs.

One of the keys to their longevity is their active lifestyle; these cats love to play and require sufficient space for exercise.

Engage your Egyptian Mau in interactive play sessions and provide enrichment opportunities to keep them both mentally and physically fit, ensuring a life that’s not only long but also happy.

15. Savannah: 12 – 20 years

Savannah Breed Standing Side Body Looking At Camera

The Savannah cat, known for its striking wild appearance and substantial size, can typically expect a lifespan of 12 to 20 years.

As a hybrid of domestic cats and the serval, a wild African cat, the Savannahs require diligent breeding practices to manage their health effectively and ensure longevity. A well-bred Savannah is robust, with a strong immune system that can help resist diseases.

These highly intelligent and active cats require a lot of exercise and mental stimulation to keep them from becoming bored and developing destructive habits.

Their long lifespan can be further extended with a diet that suits their energetic needs and a living environment that provides plenty of space to roam and explore.

14. Ragdoll: 12 – 15 years

Ragdoll Cat Breed Sitting On Rear Legs Looking At The Camera

among are famed for their placid nature and tendency to go limp when picked up—much like a cloth doll, which is how they got their name. But don’t let their laid-back demeanor fool you; Ragdolls often enjoy an average lifespan of 12 to 15 years.

To ensure your Ragdoll reaches its potential longevity, keep them indoors to prevent accidents and exposure to diseases that could shorten their life.

These affectionate felines thrive on companionship and do well in homes where they can be part of daily activities.

Regular veterinary visits, a nourishing diet, and a stress-free environment will contribute significantly to their well-being, helping them to live a long and contented life alongside you.

13. Oriental Shorthair: 12 – 15 years

Oriental shorthair cat black eyes

Oriental Shorthairs are celebrated for their sleek bodies and large, bat-like ears, but they are also known for their notable lifespans of 12 to 15 years. This breed’s genetic diversity helps maintain its health and vitality

To keep your Oriental Shorthair in tip-top condition, ensure proper nutrition and regular exercise are part of their daily routine.

Despite their thin coats, Oriental Shorthairs are relatively easy to maintain but remain at risk for dental issues, which can impact their overall health.

Thus, incorporating dental care into their regular grooming practices is essential. With their friendly and social nature, they serve as excellent lifelong companions for families and individuals alike.

12. Manx: 14 – 16 years

Closeup of Manx cat with green eyes

Manx cats are known for their unique taillessness and a robust lifespan of 14 to 16 years. This breed originates from the Isle of Man and has developed a strong genetic constitution.

The most famous feature of the Manx is the varying tail length, from normal to completely absent, known as a ‘rumpy’.

Manx cats’ long life can be attributed to their general hardiness and the breed’s inherent lack of specific, life-threatening genetic conditions.

To contribute to the longevity of your Manx, a well-balanced diet and regular physical activity are pivotal.

Moreover, paying attention to their spine and rear due to their unique tail characteristics is imperative. Adequate vet care, which monitors for any spinal issues common in tailless breeds, can also help your Manx live a full and healthy life.

11. Persian: 12 – 17 years

Persian Cat Breed Standing Full Body In Shoot Looking Away

Luxurious and poised, Persians are not only favored for their stunning long coats but also for their impressive lifespan of 12 to 17 years. Their serene demeanor and affectionate personality make them a popular choice for those looking for a long-term feline friend.

Although their coats require daily grooming to prevent mats and tangles, this daily bond between cat and owner also enhances their well-being.

Persians are relatively sedentary and greatly enjoy a relaxed environment, but they still need routine play to stay healthy.

Regular veterinary care with a focus on their unique health needs, such as their brachycephalic facial structure, is vital.

A calm household and a consistent routine can go a long way in ensuring your Persian lives a lengthy and tranquil life.

10. Bombay: 15 years

Bombay cat sitting in the living room

The Bombay cat, with its sleek, panther-like black coat, boasts an average lifespan of 15 years. Bombays are often hailed for their dog-like personalities, being both affectionate and trainable.

This breed generally enjoys good health, but it is essential to monitor their diet closely because they are prone to obesity, which can reduce their lifespan.

These cats love attention and do well in a family setting where interaction is frequent. To prolong the life of your Bombay, regular playtime and mental stimulation are key, along with yearly check-ups to detect any potential health issues early.

9. Turkish Angora: 12 – 18 years

Turkish Angora cat lounging peacefully inside a cozy room

Turkish Angora cats, known for their elegant white coats and striking eyes, often enjoy a lifespan of 12 to 18 years.

Originating from Turkey, this breed has evolved to be resilient and generally healthy. It’s critical to ensure these active cats are stimulated both physically and mentally to maintain their well-being and extend their lifespan.

The Turkish Angora is prone to some genetic conditions, such as deafness, particularly in white-coated individuals.

Regular veterinary visits are necessary to monitor their health and prevent any issues that could curtail their long lives. Their sociable and interactive nature means they relish being involved in family life, which supports their emotional health.

8. Nebelung: 15 – 18 years

Nebelung cat sitting

Nebelungs, with their luxurious blue-grey coats and luminous green eyes, have a lifespan of 15 to 18 years, often attributed to their robust health.

These cats possess a quiet and mild-mannered temperament but enjoy play and plenty of human interaction.

Consistent grooming helps prevent hairballs and maintains their stunning coat, promoting good health.

Nebelungs are a relatively new and rare breed, and while not a lot of genetic disorders have been associated with them, it’s important to maintain regular vet visits.

Their reserved nature means a peaceful home environment is beneficial for their longevity.

7. European (Celtic) Shorthair: 14 – 20 years

Playful European Shorthair kittens

The European Shorthair, also known as the Celtic Shorthair, is an adaptable and sturdy breed with an extensive lifespan of 14 to 20 years. These cats boast robust health, largely due to their mixed genetic background which provides them with a form of natural immunity to many common genetic diseases.

To optimize the longevity of your European Shorthair, maintain an active lifestyle and provide them with a balanced diet. Regular veterinary check-ups and timely vaccinations will help prevent diseases that could potentially reduce their lifespan. With their friendly, easy-going nature, European Shorthairs make for excellent companions for nearly two decades or more.

6. American Shorthair: 15 – 20 years

Grey American shorthair cat with yellow eyes laying on the floor

The American Shorthair, renowned for its amiable disposition and low-maintenance coat, enjoys an average lifespan of 15 to 20 years. Originally bred for hunting, the American Shorthair has a strong build, good health, and a natural resilience that contributes to its longevity.

As with most cats, maintaining a healthy weight through diet and exercise is key to prolonging their life.

Affectionate and good-natured, American Shorthairs are ideal family pets and are comfortable with children and other animals. Encourage regular interactive play to keep them in their best health.

With a consistent routine and preventive veterinary care, an American Shorthair can be your devoted companion for many years.

5. Russian Blue: 15 – 20 years

Russian Blue Cat Sitting Looking At Camera

Russian Blues are adored for their striking blue-grey fur, elegant stance, and shimmering green eyes. They typically enjoy a long lifespan of 15 to 20 years, which can be associated with their naturally healthy disposition and moderate activity levels.

Russian Blues are not known to have serious genetic health problems, which is a testament to their longevity.

These cats thrive on routine and prefer a tranquil environment, so maintaining a peaceful home can positively impact their lifespan. They bond closely with their humans and benefit from consistent, gentle interactions.

To keep your Russian Blue healthy throughout its life, offer a high-quality diet, regular veterinary check-ups, and lots of love.

4. Cornish Rex: 15 – 20 years

Cornish rex breed profile portrait

Recognizable by their wavy coat and large ears, Cornish Rex cats enjoy a lifespan of 15 to 20 years. This breed is generally healthy, but their unique coat requires particular care to prevent skin issues that could shorten their lifespan. Regular cleaning can keep their skin healthy, as their coat does not absorb oils like other breeds.

The Cornish Rex is an active and playful breed, requiring plenty of exercise to maintain its physical health. With a good diet, proper care, and regular veterinary visits, these cats can live long and joyful lives.

3. Siamese: 15 – 20 years

Siamese Cat Breed Playing

The Siamese cat, with its distinctive color points and blue almond-shaped eyes, has an average expected lifespan of 15 years. This ancient breed is known for its loving nature and vocal personality.

While generally healthy, Siamese cats can be prone to certain genetic conditions, like respiratory and dental issues, which require monitoring.

Staying engaged with your Siamese through play and companionship can help maintain their mental health, which is just as vital for their overall longevity.

Regular vet check-ups, a balanced diet, and a nurturing environment ensure that your Siamese cat will be a part of your life for many wonderful years.

2. Balinese: 18 – 22 years

Balinese cat laying down near window

The Balinese, essentially a long-haired Siamese, boasts a lifespan of 18 to 22 years. These cats share many attributes with the Siamese, including their colorful points and affectionate demeanor.

They are also subject to similar health concerns, so vigilant care and regular veterinary visits are crucial to address any issues promptly.

Like their Siamese relatives, Balinese cats crave interaction and will remain healthy and happy with frequent playtimes and affection.

Their long, silky coats do require regular grooming to prevent matting, which also serves as a bonding activity that can promote their well-being.

1. Burmese: 18 – 25 years

Burmese kitten laying on the floor

At the top spot, the Burmese cat is celebrated for its potentially extensive lifespan of 18 to 25 years. These cats are beloved for their social and affectionate nature, often described as ‘brick wrapped in silk’ due to their surprisingly hefty build for their size.

A well-cared-for Burmese with proper nutrition, sufficient exercise, and regular veterinary oversight can enjoy a life far beyond the average cat.

Burmese are known for being people-oriented and thrive in home environments where they can participate in daily activities.

Their short coats are low maintenance, which allows more time for play and cuddles, key components of their overall health and longevity.


Adopting a cat that could potentially be by your side for two decades is an incredible opportunity for a lasting friendship. The breeds featured here, known for their longevity, not only bring years of joy but also become integral members of our families.

Between the majestic Sphynx and the enduring Burmese, each breed offers unique qualities alongside the potential for many golden years together.

Caring for your feline companion through preventive healthcare, a stress-free environment, and a loving home can ensure you both enjoy a long, happy life side by side.

Whether you choose the loyal American Shorthair or the regal Russian Blue, your journey together can be a long and fulfilling adventure.